الجمعة ١٨ / أكتوبر / ٢٠٢٤ 07:15
أخر الأخبار

Sex inside a United Nations car in Israel (video)

United Nations employees have sex in the car in Tel Aviv
United Nations employees have sex in the car in Tel Aviv

الخميس ١٥ / أكتوبر / ٢٠٢٠ 04:44 نائل نبيل 2385 مشاركة
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A video that was circulated on social media, showing men and a woman having sex alternately in the back seat, inside a United Nations car in Tel Aviv, caused a great scandal for the international organization, which put her in great embarrassment, forcing her to issue an official statement apologizing for what happened.

Watch a group sex party inside a United Nations vehicle driving through the streets of Tel Aviv.

In this context, the United Nations issued an official statement expressing its "deep annoyance and shock" after circulating a video clip showing sexual scenes inside one of its official cars, which turned out to be in Israel.

The video, which went viral, showed a woman in a red dress sitting on the knees of a man in the back seat with a clear intercourse with him.

The video shows the white SUV bearing the UN mark, according to the BBC. For their part, United Nations officials stated that it is believed that the video belongs to workers of the peacekeeping organization in Israel, and Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, said:

"We were shocked and deeply concerned about what appears in this video." He added, "It is inconsistent with everything we stand for and we are working to achieve with regard to combating misconduct by United Nations personnel." Dujarric said, in response to the great uproar and anger that this clip caused, that the investigation into the matter "is moving very quickly," and added, "We expect the process to be concluded very quickly and we intend to take appropriate action immediately." He stressed that the identification of the individuals seen in the video has become It is noteworthy that the United Nations has strict policies against sexual misconduct by its employees, and workers may be disciplined, or they may be prevented from participating in peacekeeping operations if they are found to have violated the rules When asked whether the apparent sexual act was consensual or involves the payment of money, Dujarric said:

These questions are part of the ongoing investigation, and the United Nations has strict policies against sexual abuse by its staff.

The United Nations has faced charges of misconduct.

The United Nations has announced the results of the investigation into the incident of group sex in one of its official cars in Tel Aviv.

The United Nations announced the arrest of two of its employees who appeared in the video clip.

The intention to have sex inside the car of the international organization in Israel.

Stefan Dujarric, a spokesman for the United Nations, said that the employees who appeared in the video were granted unpaid administrative leave, after a preliminary investigation found that they were involved in sexual misconduct. "It was found that two of the male international employees who were in the United Nations vehicle in Tel Aviv were involved in misconduct, including behavior of a sexual nature," Dujarric said.

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